8 Ways to Avoid Travel Stress

Traveling is a fantastic opportunity to explore new places, create cherished memories, and expand your horizons in ways that will positively impact your life back home. It’s an adventure that allows you to escape your daily routine and indulge in new cultures, people, and environments. However, the stress that comes with traveling can sometimes dampen the joy of the journey. Travel stress can ruin a trip if not prevented or dealt with on a trip. In this article, I’ll share my eight ways to make your travel experience as enjoyable and stress-free as possible!

Why is traveling stressful?

The truth is, while traveling can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. There can be many unexpected challenges and stressful situations that arise along the way. The trick is to come prepared, allow yourself to be flexible, and keep a positive mindset that won’t let any mishaps spoil your trip.

When you are traveling, especially far away from home, you are basically forced to leave your comfort zone every step of the way, which is a stressful experience in itself for many people.

Biologically, we are tuned to remembering the bad stuff better: it’s supposed to help us adapt to ever-changing life situations and stay alive. Of course, our problems these days aren’t nearly as severe and life-threatening as our ancestors had them. However, we often treat little roadblocks like huge obstacles, making a big deal out of slight route changes and giving them the power to ruin our mood.

With that said, it’s important to stay calm and positive, particularly when things don’t go according to plan. Even the most prepared travelers can face unexpected situations that cause stress and anxiety during their trip. By incorporating the tips below, you’ll be able to manage stressful events gracefully, be it a delayed flight, a canceled tour, or a language barrier.

Camera on a map

8 ways to avoid travel stress on your trip

1. Book and plan in advance

Booking in advance can be a game-changer for travelers looking to enjoy their trip to the fullest! Not only can you save money and take advantage of early bird sales and discounts, but it also gives you the time to research and discover local gems, making your travel experience all the more enriching. If you’re not sure where to start, check out these 8 steps to plan a trip!

Depending on how popular your destination is, the best restaurants and accommodations might be booked long in advance, and if you don’t take care of it early, you’ll end up with leftovers and potentially even unimpressed by the place.

Of course, it depends a lot on the kind of traveler you are. Some backpackers are fine with a bed in a random hostel and a burrito from a street vendor for dinner. But if you are anything like me and love destination-specific experiences, a bit of planning can go a long way!

And when it comes to sightseeing, it’s better to book a specific time slot online whenever possible to avoid wasting precious hours of your trip standing in a ridiculously long line of tourists at the entrance. There are much more fun things to do!

2. Research local tips

Personally, I like scouring the destination forums beforehand to find unique spots only locals know about, and to learn little tips about the places I want to visit. It also teaches you local traditions and rules which allow you to be a more ethical traveler.

For example, when I was visiting one of Sri Lanka’s less popular Buddhist temples, I knew in advance to wear jeans and walk barefoot on the grounds, as a way to respect local customs. At the same time, I’ve seen lots of tourists in shorts, wearing sneakers on the holy temple grounds. There was no one there at the time to enforce the rules, but not knowing the customs is hardly a good excuse. Research in advance!

Besides, it’s always nice to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re fully prepared for your trip, thanks to your well-researched packing checklist with all the essentials.

Generally, by researching local tips ahead, you can choose the best time to travel, avoid crowds and overrated tourist spots, and have a more authentic experience than most.

3. Smile more

Smiling is a powerful tool, always accessible to everyone!

It might sound like an obvious tip but science gives us quite a few reasons to smile more that are especially helpful for a traveler. One of them is directly connected to stress relief, which is exactly what we are looking for.

There are so many reasons to smile when you’re traveling! From exploring new places to meeting new interesting people, every journey is a source of unlimited joy. Besides, when you’re smiling, you’re more approachable and open to new experiences, which can lead to unexpected adventures and wonderful memories you’ll cherish for many years after the trip.

As I said, smiling can be a great tool for managing travel stress. Whether you are dealing with a delayed flight or lost luggage, putting a smile on your face will help you feel more positive and in control of the situation. Not to mention, your smile will also have a contagious effect on those around you, spreading positivity and making the world a happier place!

4. Prepare for the unexpected

One of the most important tips for stress-free travel is to prepare for the unexpected. This means being flexible and allowing room for unexpected changes to your itinerary. While it’s important to have a general plan of what you want to do and see, don’t over-plan or cram too many activities into a limited amount of time.

Remember, you’re on vacation to relax and enjoy yourself, not to exhaust yourself with an endless list of things to do! Be willing to adjust your plans if necessary, and be open to new experiences that may come your way.

There are so many things that can go wrong: a particular attraction can be closed due to weather conditions, you might mix up the time and miss your bus, lose your wallet, or even catch a cold mid-trip. Absolutely none of these means your trip is ruined unless you give it that kind of power!

Sometimes things don’t go according to plan, and that’s okay. The best way to prepare for the unexpected is to have a backup plan. It lets you reduce the stress and anxiety that may come with unforeseen changes. While you can’t possibly predict every mishap, you can have a general idea of alternative behaviors that may apply to various situations.

Besides, sometimes one thing has to go wrong or get canceled to make the room for something better! You may stumble upon a hidden gem that you never would have discovered if you had stuck to your original plans. Or, you may meet someone who shares a common interest and recommends a must-see attraction that you never would have known about otherwise. By embracing the unexpected, you can make your travel experience all the more exciting and memorable. So be flexible and see where it takes you!

5. Focus on the good

When you’re on a trip, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of trying to see and do everything. But sometimes, it’s the simple things that can make you happy the most. Whether it’s the first bite of a delicious local dish or the warmth of the sun on your face, focusing on the good can take your mind off mishaps and keep you in a good mood throughout the whole journey.

A good practical approach to doing this is to be more mindful of your surroundings. Look around and appreciate the beauty of the scenery, the sounds of the local music, and the friendliness of the people. Smile at a local street cat that is enjoying the sunshine.

It’s little memories like these that stay with you long after your trip is over. At the end of each day, instead of stressing about the small stuff that went wrong today, list a few things that went right, whether in your mind or in a journal. Looking back years later, this is what you’ll be more likely to remember!

6. Take care of yourself

Same as your phone needs to be charged regularly to function well, you need good-quality food, water, and enough sleep to be able to enjoy every lovely moment your trip has to offer. Make sure to fit proper meals into your schedule and bring snacks and water when exploring new places.

Besides taking good care of your body, it’s important to keep your mind happy too. Finding your inner zen through practices like yoga and meditation is a great way to feel centered, rejuvenated, and ready for whatever the day brings.

I always bring a light foldable yoga mat on my trips so I can keep my workout routine going or participate in a sunrise stretch on the beach if such an opportunity arises. Combine it with a calming meditation session, whether in the quietness of your hotel room or at the top of a mountain with no tourists nearby, and you’ll feel more balanced and peaceful for the whole trip!

Taking care of yourself is an important way to avoid travel stress!

7. Keep a healthy mindset and be mindful

Having a healthy mindset while traveling is like having a secret weapon in your back pocket. It’s that extra boost of confidence and clarity that helps you take on any challenge, embrace new experiences, and handle the unexpected with ease.

When you feel good mentally and emotionally, you’re more likely to be open to new opportunities and have a positive outlook on the world around you.

Mindfulness can include lots of things and behaviors, starting with combating your social media addiction. Because let’s be real, who wants to spend their vacation scrolling through their phone? By being mindful of how much time you spend on your device, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and enjoy your surroundings more fully. As an added bonus, your phone works longer without charging when you don’t use it much!

Another aspect of travel mindfulness is being aware of your budget. Money can be a huge stressor, but it doesn’t have to be a major obstacle to enjoying your trip. You can always find local gems and authentic experiences that will create fun memories without breaking the bank!

Finally, wherever country you travel to, remember that you are a guest there: respect local traditions, be open-minded, and accept that some things might be very different from your way of living, but it doesn’t make them wrong. There is more than one way to live, and I think this is one of the greatest things about traveling: it broadens your horizons and opens your eyes to new unique ways of thinking you could never imagine before.

8. Stay safe

While safety is a serious matter, taking the necessary precautions can also be a fun and creative way to spice up your travel experience!

When I just started traveling, I used to stress and worry about every little scary thing I read online about the destination: from pickpocketing to getting lost in the middle of nowhere. I would overthink everything and almost convince myself that all these bad things are going to happen to me.

Today I’m basically a different person. I plan smart and create backup plans for things I can predict, and let go of the things I have no control over. For example, I have a travel scarf with a secret pocket that not only keeps my valuables safe but also adds a fashionable touch to my outfits!

Staying safe while traveling comes hand in hand with the fourth tip about being prepared for the unexpected. Keeping your devices charged can come in handy not just for maps and translations, but also for capturing those spontaneous moments of joy that make traveling so worthwhile. Make sure to have important locations and phone numbers written down in case your phone dies, and always let someone back home know where you are going.

Final thoughts

Traveling is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but it’s not always a stress-free experience. By using these tips and tricks to avoid travel stress on your trip, you can ensure that you come back with wonderful memories and great experiences.

Planning in advance, taking care of yourself, being prepared for the unexpected, and staying safe are all great ways to reduce stress during travel. By being mindful of these things and focusing on the fun and exciting aspects of your trip, you can make the most of your time away.

With that said, make sure to have a blast on your journey and remember what inspired you to travel in the first place! Let that be your motivation for embracing new adventures and making unforgettable memories.

Whether you are planning a short vacation or a year-long journey, these tips and a positive mindset will ensure you have a wonderful time. Happy travels!

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Author Bio

This post is a guest post written by Juliet. Juliet is a certified happiness coach and the founder of Utterly Positive. She writes about a positive mindset and the ways to make yourself happy regardless of circumstances. Her mission is to help you live a more mindful life and find simple joys in every day.

5 thoughts on “8 Ways to Avoid Travel Stress”

  1. I’m definitely a planner, so having all the major moving parts planned out in advance is how I minimize my travel stress! (But it is important not to over-schedule yourself.. give yourself free time to find a treasure you didn’t know existed!)

  2. These are all really great tips! I’m a big planner and I feel better knowing that I’ve weighed out my options.

    I find that I get stressed when I’m trying to rush through things & don’t leave time for the unexpected. I’ll definitely keep these tips in mind.

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